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  • Road Runners Hamilton

Newsletter 26/9/23 - Memorial Relay

Vicky’s voice

I hope the blue lake crew have dried out from Saturday. A special thanks goes to Kevin for looking after the gazebo!

Well done to everyone who ran at Cambridge you guys were so lucky with the weather. We enjoyed cheering you all in.

Daylight saving means it’s lighter in the evenings so we hope to see more of you at the club. But that also means the Cook 5km is back every Tuesday, hosted by our friends Hamilton Hawks. Meet at the Cook Street Social around 5:30 to sign up and run at 6:05.

I am looking forward to the relay and memorial lunch this weekend. We still have a couple of spaces so if you can’t make the run you are more than welcome to join us at the Roaming Giant. Just let us know. See more details in the newsletter for all you need to know and details of your team.

See you Thursday!



Update on the earlier email, there are actually two games so if anyone else can help out either for the first game at 12:45 and/or the second game know ASAP.

Memorial Relay and Lunch

Yes it's this Sunday and so far the weather forecast is looking good. The draft teams are below, who will bring home the club trophy this year? If you haven't got your name in you will get a final opportunity this Thursday so see Vicky, don't miss out. If you've already signed up please check the current list in the newsletter email or Lockedup Facebook page and let us know if there's anything wrong or if you're missing as soon as possible. How it works: You will be asked to guess the time you run or walk a predetermined course - (2.3 kms for walkers and 4.6 kms for runners - more or less, that's up to Kerin and Rod) with a few bumps in it. The team with their accumulated times closest to their actual time wins, it's that easy. Reminder there is to be NO TIME KEEPING DEVICES to be worn, carried or used by anyone from the start to the finish of the entire event. Timetable on the day: 8.00 am Gather at the Arboretum carpark (25 Taitua Rd) for a club photo - Wear your Club shirts if you have one. Don't have a uniform? We will have a limited number of spares to borrow for the photo. If any member does have spares could you please make these available for the photo. 8.30 am approx. Start of the relay Bring a chair to sit on while you wait for your fellow team members to compete. Lunch For those who are coming to our Memorial lunch at the Roaming Giant this year, we meet there at 12:30 pm. Don't be late for your free champagne or juice!! Thank you to everyone who has paid for your lunch - $20.00/ head. Still to pay?? please pay directly to the club account or on Club night Thursday.


Please make a note of your team in the newsletter email. If you are highlighted in blue you are the team captain. It is your responsibility to collect the team times and submit to the time keepers. (Vicky and Stu or another if we can find a stand in).

The week ahead: Thursday The sun's up so how about a big turnout this week, short runs/walks or a bit of distance, plenty of options. Saturday Tau's out front this week controlling the Lake parkrun, Laurens out back Tailwalking Uni so HRR has both parkruns covered, see you there. Sunday Memorial relay (but you already knew that right?)

What's coming up? October

  • 1st: Memorial relay and lunch

  • 8th: Sunday Runday - Blue Springs

  • 14th: Hamilton Lake parkrun 10th anniversary

  • 19th: Annas stretch and strength

  • 26th: Pink Walk & Run


  • 5th: TAGNZ 3HR Run Round Lake Kainui

  • 16th: Annas stretch and strength

  • 18th/19th: Coastal five

  • 24th: Dinner night

  • 26th: Jago Cup - Hosted by HMC Runners and Walkers

Stu's Stats - Running & Walking results - September 23-24 This week 27 members took part in parkrun at 6 events

  • Hamilton Lake - 10

  • Kapiti Coast - 2

  • Puarenga - 3

  • Cambridge - 2

  • Foster - 2

  • University of waikato - 8

Course PB’s

  • Angela Buchanan - 29:46 @ Puarenga

  • Hasfazilah Hamdan - 33:40 @ Puarenga

Whangamata Half Marathon

  • Sarah Jenkins - 10k - 58:52

Cambridge Half Marathon

  • Janlou Van Bosch - 21k - 1:42:40 (3rd IAG)

  • Anthonie van bosch - 21k - 1:44:57 (2nd IAG)

  • James Hunt - 21k - 1:59:52 (3rd IAG)

  • Daniel Yin - 21k - 2:05:50

  • Michelle Pryde - 21k - 2:14:01

  • Jutta van den Boom - 21k - 2:16:25

  • Jeanne Van der Merwe - 21k - 2:20:04

  • Rod Gill - 21k - 2:21:19

  • Dick Breukink - 21k - 2:56:09

  • Helen Hall-King - 10k - 0:45:46 (1st IAG)

  • Haydn Megaffin - 10k - 0:50:43 (1st IAG)

  • Denyse Graham - 10k - 0:50:49 (3rd IAG)

  • Jill Sklenars - 10k - 0:50:53

  • Steve Rossiter - 10k - 0:52:18 (3rd IAG)

  • Lynda Brahne - 10k - 0:54:45

  • Anna O'Connell - 10k - 0:54:48

  • Colin King - 10k - 0:59:46 (3rd IAG)

  • Zilah Hamdan - 10k - 1:07:42

  • Jenny Holland - 10k - 1:14:25

  • Lex Chalmers - 10k - 1:15:50

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