Hi Everybody. It has been great to see the daylight and weather on the improve. This seems to have helped in the number of members out training, a great sight to see.
TEAM SALLY Movie night fundraiser for New York Marathon – Chartwell Movie Theatre Wednesday 16 October 6.30pm - $15.00 per head with Junior Popcorn. Movie – The Overcomer – Put the word out to friends and family to help fill the theatre. This sounds like a great night. Tickets available from Debbie at the theatre on the night.
Dinner Night October – A reminder that our dinner night this month has been brought forward a week to Thursday 24th. This is to give all members the opportunity to participate in the Pink Run, a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research – more info coming
PERCY LAWN RELAY – Date Sunday 3 November – Hosts HMC Grantham St – 7.15am
For new members we have an annual challenge with local running clubs for a friendly interclub trophy. Teams of 3 or 4 – Walkers will complete 3 km and Runners 5 km. Once the event is over the Hamilton Marathon Clinic will be providing a morning tea.
Kinloch Off Road – Impressive to see a good number of HRR’s in the event. An event that is known as a pretty course and we had so many PB’s even though the day started a bit cool. A stand out for me that weekend was Cathie Blade doing the marathon and then going to the North Shore do a Sunday marathon. Alas due to bad weather the marathon got cancelled so Cathie did the half and some extra, so 33KM for a Sunday run is a great effort. Also a great effort was Steve Rossiter walking the half. From what I hear compared to running, this was a long day on his feet for Steve.
Whangamata Fun Run - A great social community event and great to see HRR there to support it.
Cambridge Half - Great to see a good turn out from the club and a PB for Robyn Slade, well done.
Tauranga Marathon - Anne and Anja both did the marathon and Anja completed yet another PB.
Hamilton Half - Thanks to President Gary Rallying of HRR we had a great turn out. I have also been impressed with HRR training group and also those helping on the day. You have all made a great team.
Sunday Run - Big thanks to Sandra Sharp for putting on the run from Punnet. Not only the did Sandra put the run on, we had options of distances to run and then who knew there were so many little trails and cut through’s to get back to Punnet coffee. Well done I say. Also thanks to Gary for organising other Sunday runs we have had this month.
Congratulations to those who have done the Blue Lake 24 Hour Challenge. Also our international runners in the Rarotonga event and last of all Team HRR at the Hamilton Half. You have all done well. May I also thank Team HRR who were helping as marshals and water station and other support roles. This was a big day out for HRR.
Dinner Night October - Thanks to Convenor Ruth and Group 3. This will be another great night - NOTE Dinner night 24th. Also my thanks to Group 2 for the September dinner night, they did so well with the theme of wear a rugby jersey for Rugby World Cup Night.
Deal on Waitetuna Windmill Run - 23 November - HRR can also do a bulk deal on entrance. There is a sheet in the club house and if you can put your name and distance on it, we can do a bulk entry deal.
Team Sally Fundraiser - Sean Fitzpatrick framed rugby jersey - This is a special one-off raffle if you know of anyone wanting a chance to have such an iconic jersey. Uplift $20.00 off them to get a ticket while we still have some left. For those who don’t know this is to help fund Team Sally to the New York Marathon.
Events Up Coming – All the best to Team Sally – Sally Marston and Sam Foster who fly out 30 October for the New York Marathon, Also those doing Ekiden and Taupo Ultra have fun out there.
Date: Sunday 3 November
Venue: HMC club rooms, lower Grantham Street, Hamilton
Time: 7.15 am
Teams: Runners distance 5 Km / Walkers distance 3 Km
The Brief – Interclub Challenge then concludes with results of the day. Trophies awarded then a great morning tea hosted by HMC and fellowship.
History of the Percy Lawn Memorial Relay
In the 1980’s when running was at its height of popularity the 3 local non-harrier type clubs, the Te Awamutu Marathon Clinic, Hamilton Marathon Clinic and Hamilton Road Runners decided to have an annual 3-way relay competition. It was a celebration of being in the company of like-minded people with some friendly rivalry. It has survived as a social competitive Sunday morning in November ever since.
The event is hosted in turn by each club and the format is to have teams of four runners or four walkers. The courses each club chooses are to have a distance of 4-5km for the runners and around 3km for the walkers. The host club supplies morning tea for everyone. Points are scored for each team, the number of points depending on the position the team finishes in. So if there are 15 running teams, for instance, the first team to finish gets 15 points, the second 14 points, and so on down to one point for the last team; likewise for the walking teams.
Initially there was just one trophy which was donated by a Road Runners member, John Jago who owned Jago Jewellers in Frankton. The relay was accordingly called the Jago Cup. In the early 1990’s the Hamilton Marathon Clinic donated a trophy so that the runners and walkers could compete for separate trophies, the Jago Cup for runners and the HMC trophy for walkers.
In 1992 a much loved member of Te Awamutu Marathon Clinic, Percy Lawn, was taking part in the event which was being hosted by the Hamilton Marathon Clinic down by the Grantham Street boat ramp. His club was short of a runner in one team that day so Percy was doing two laps. When he crossed the finish line he collapsed on the ground and everyone thought he was mucking about because he was a bit of a joker like that. Unfortunately we soon realised he wasn’t joking and had suffered a severe heart attack. CPR was tried but to no avail.
Since then the event has been named the Percy Lawn Memorial Relay in honour of a guy who was a ‘good bugger’ and a great club member. The Te Awamutu Marathon Clinic had a trophy made which the hosting club now awards to one of its members each year who they consider demonstrates the sort of club spirit which Percy showed.

Cathie Blade, 3rd IAG Kinloch Marathon 42 Km Run - 6h,19m,00s
Ross Dewstow, Kinloch Half Marathon 21 Km Run - 2h,39m,28s
Tau Holden, Kinloch Half Marathon 21 Km Run - 2h,47m,16s
Rod Gill, 2nd IAG Kinloch Half Marathon 21 Km Run - 2h,57m,42s
Lex Chalmers, 3rd IAG Kinloch Half Marathon 21 Km Run - 3h,09m,59s
Cath Reimer, 1st IAG Kinloch Half Marathon 21 Km Walk - 3h,13m,25s
Steve Rossiter, Kinloch Half Marathon 21 Km Run - 3h,14m,03s
Kevin Hooker, Kinloch Half Marathon 21 Km Run - 3h,21m,43s
Eileen Odgers, Kinloch Half Marathon 21 Km Walk - 4h,21m,24s
Raewyn Richmond, 2nd IAG Kinloch 10 Km Run - 59m,57s
Noel Richmond, 2nd IAG Kinloch 10 Km 10 Km Run - 1h,03m,44
Cathie Blade, North Shore Half Marathon 33 Km Run (untimed)
Gary Fieldes, PB Whangamata Fun Run 21 Km Run - 1h,58m55s
Annette Hermans, PB Whangamata Fun Run 10 Km Run - 51m,11s
Wayne Reynolds, Whangamata Fun Run 10 Km Walk - 1h,34m,12s
Sarah Jenkins, Whangamata Fun Run 5 Km Run - 27m,40s
Robyn Slade, PB Cambridge Half 21 Km Run - 1h,57m,29s
Tau Holden, Cambridge Half 21 Km Run - 2h,07m,15s
Rod Gill, Cambridge Half 21 Km Run - 2h,26m,24s
Kerin Buttimore, Cambridge Half 21 Km Run - 2h,54m,38s
Heather Flay, Cambridge Half 21 Km Run - 3h,01m,14s
Lee Lawson, Cambridge 10 Km Walk - 1h,12m,08s
Raewyn Richmond, 4th Lady Over the Top Fun Run Waihi School 10 Km Run - 1h,19m
Noel Richmond, Over the Top Fun Run Waihi School 10 Km Run - 1h,26m
Anja Romer, PB Tauranga Marathon 42 Km Run - 3h,55m,30s
Anne Fredricsen, Tauranga Marathon 42 Km Run - 6h,15m,00s
Kevin Hooker, Rarotonga Road Race 10 Km Run - 1h,05m,54s,
Karen Hooker, Rarotonga Road Race 10 Km Run - 1h,21m,54s
Lex Chalmers, Blue Lake 24 Hour Challenge - 79 Km Run in 36 Hour
Park Run
Tau Holden - 200th run, Hamilton Lake
Raewyn Richmond - 50th run, Hamilton Lake
Chris Oliver - PB, Hamilton Lake
Val Wilson - PB, Hamilton Lake
Sonja Fantom - PB, Cambridge NZ
Ben Lucas - PB, Northala Fields – West London
Cath Reimer - PB, Riverway Parkrun – Townville
Graeme Hawthorne - PB, Hamilton Lake
Vye Perrone - PB, Hamilton Lake
Annette Hermans - Hobsonville Age Group Record, Hamilton Lake Age Group record
Hamilton Half Marathon
Hamilton Road Runners - Winners of the 2019 Teams Corporate Challenge
Graeme Hawthorne, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 1h,35m,08s
Desiree Dunchuk, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 1h,41m,20s
James Hunt, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 1h,46m,15s
Steve Donnelly, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 1h,46m,35s
Jack Sanders, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 1h,48m,07s
Steve Rossiter, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,02m,05s
Tau Holden, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,02m,54s
Val Wilson, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,03m,10s
Gary Fieldes, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,04m,06s
Sally Maiston, Team Sally Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2hm,04m,55s
Sam Foster, Team Sally Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2hm,04m,55s
John Perrone, 3rd IAG Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,15m,34s
Rebecca Yeoman, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,16m,08s
Chris Oliver, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,22m,18s
Rod Gill, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,28m,53s
Kerin Buttimore, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,32m,40s
Vye Perrone, 1st IAG Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,36m,44s
Corrina Pinkerton, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,38m,24s
Heather Flay, Hamilton Half 21 Km Run - 2h,52m,30s
Neil Crocker, Hamilton Half 21 Km Walk - 2h,50m,08s
Chris Biddulph, Hamilton Half 10 Km Run - 50m,07s
Jill Sklenars, Hamilton Half 10 Km Run - 53m,36s
Holly White, Hamilton Half 10 Km Run - 57m,47s
Kevin Hooker,Hamilton Half, 10 Km Run - 1h,02m,21s
Cath Reimer, Hamilton Half 10 Km Walk - 1h,11m,14s
Shireen Oliver, Hamilton Half 10 Km Run - 1h,14m,45s
Angela Buchanan, Hamilton Half 10 Km Walk - 1h,38m,41s
Andrew McNeill, 1st Home Hamilton Half 5 Km Run - 20m,27s
Mark Gobles, Hamilton Half 5 Km Run - 31m,09s
Graeme Hawthorne - Hamilton Half
12 October Cole Murray – Cape Kidnappers
20 October Omokoroa Coastal Challenge
26 October King Of The Mountain – Kawerau
2 November Taniwha – Waikato River Trail
9 November Tairua Tides & Trail
16 November Xterra – Waihi
23 November Waitetuna Windmill Run
24 November Toi’s Challenge – Whakatane
7 December The Goat & Kid – Tongariro
14 December Karioi Trail Run – Raglan
8 February 2020 Tarawera Ultra
22 February 2020 Coastal Challenge – Auckland
22 February 2020 Ruapehu Express – Ohakune
7 March 2020 Triple Peaks – Havelock North
8 March 2020 Round the Bays – Auckland
14 March 2020 Wharf to Wharf – Waiheke Island
4 April 2020 Waitomo Trail Run
4 April 2020 Xterra - Rotorua
5 May 2020 The Nugget – Waihi
22 June 2020 Double Rainbow – Rotorua
20 October Auckland Marathon
20 October Morrinsville Fun Run
31 October Pink Run – Hamilton Lake
3 November New York Marathon
3 November Percy Lawn Relay – Hosts HMC
3 November Tauranga City to Surf
16 November Queenstown Marathon
17 November Round the Bridges – Hamilton
24 November Toi’s Challenge - Whakatane
9 February Summer Series – Blueberry Fun Run / Walk
23 February Summer Series - Glenview Fun Run / Walk
7 March 2020 Kirikiriroa Marathon / Team Relay
15 March 2020 Waipa Fun Run – Cambridge
21 March 2020 Round the Vines – Martinborough
16 May 2020 Hawkes Bay Marathon
23 May 2020 Noosa Marathon
24 May 2020 Huntly Half Marathon